Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Good Morning Internet

As I sit here waiting for my class to begin, I can't help but think about the complex way the human mind works.

Specifically, I'm talking about a man in my class. This man carries around a stuffed raccoon with him wherever he goes. he turns it so it watches people when they talk and he has it hold his coffee on his desk. I even rides around on his head when he walks through the halls. Now, there are currently only four people (myself included) sitting in this classroom. Not even the teacher has arrived yet.

But this man is always first to the class. And today, I came in to find a nice surprised.

On the whiteboard, there is a rather comical drawing of the head of a raccoon with the following quote next to it:

"Humans must be boring, cause all they do is find new and pointless reasons to kill and hate their fellow semi-domestic primates."

Curious. I guess the raccoon must have some deep contempt for humans.

Other than that, nothing very eventful has been happening.

Three more people walked in. All middle aged women.

I did hear about this article called "Who's Going to Watch the Watchmen?" which discussed the movie failing in the box offices.

A young girl walked in, and then back out, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

I hope the movie does great in ticket sales, just to prove that pessimist wrong. I would hate to be someone who publicly publishes an article about how much someone's piece of work is going to suck. What a dreary lifestyle.

Another girl walked in, this time with a coffee.

I just realized, the man with the raccoon and I are the only men in this class right now.

Well, I don't really have much else to talk about. I'll hit you all up later.


I'm tired of this half-assed snow. If you're going to snow, just do it.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Decisions of Utmost Importance

This morning at precisely 10:38am, I was presented with a choice. A choice that would most decidedly effect my near future.

This decision was over which frosting to put on my cinnamon roll.

The choices were clear. There was a very smooth and creamy brown sugar mixture, or the thicker and more flavorful cream cheese frosting.

Needless to say I was having quite the predicament. While contemplating the dressings of my soon to be breakfast, I could not help but let my mind wander.

They say that the smallest choices in life create the biggest outcomes. Now, I'm not particularly sure who these "they" people are, but in my experience they often offer very wonderful words of wisdom, and I was not about to throw their advice out the window now.

Let's say for example I chose the frosting mixed with the brown sugar. I would enjoy my cinnamon roll's warm fluffy exterior coupled with the sweet drizzled frosting as I stuffed myself full of pastry. I might develop a strange obsession with the taste of brown sugar. Perhaps I start to eat it all the time, eventually developing cravings. Pretty soon, if my food does not have brown sugar mixed within it, I do not eat it. It gets to the point where I am sitting at the table forty years from now sweeping my bowl of chicken noodle soup off of the table with one backhand swipe, slamming my fists upon the table while my face heats up to a bright reddish color as my wife cowers in the corner of the kitchen in fear of my loud screaming, "WHY ISN'T THERE ANY BROWN SUGAR IN THIS SOUP WOMAN?!" At which point the neighbors call the police and I get whisked away to jail for spousal abuse and end up spending the next twenty years of my life sharing a cell with Alabama Larry and some guy aptly named Knife.

I chose the cream cheese frosting.

In the end, I was mostly satisfied with my choice. The frosting made for a more solid cream that perfectly balanced the fluffy cinnamon roll. It was a breakfast for the books, and I am glad that it did not have any serious repercussions.

Although, now that I think about it, I do have quite a hankering for some cream cheese...